Friday, September 13, 2024

The Summer Reunion by Leah Mercer


 Ebook:    262 pages      

Genre: Contemporary Psychological Thriller, Fiction                                           

Publisher:   September 6th 2024 by Bookouture

Source:  NetGalley - My Kindle

First Sentence: She crouched in the dark, the only sound the trickle of water as it flowed into the cramped cellar.

Review Quote: 'Had me hook, line and sinker from the very first page!… I always love Leah Mercer's books, but this is my new favourite!… The twists are incredible… Wow!’ Goodreads reviewer

Setting: France

My Opinion: 

Leah Mercer, who also publishes as Talli Roland is an author I have been following since 2010 when she published her first novel.  I have said this before, but her writing seems to go from strength to strength. Once again she has wowed me with her latest addictive thriller. 

In 'The Summer Reunion' a group of friends gather for a holiday at a villa in France, where they had last met up twenty years previously, when they were fresh from attending university together.  Now with careers, partners and families they plan to recreate that time of their lives and the fun they had together.  It doesn't work out as expected as straight away lies and secrets start to surface. Apparently things were not quite as their memories led them to believe.

I have always enjoyed reading the work of Leah Mercer over the years and followed the development of her style with interest. Her recent psychological thrillers have all kept me riveted to the stories, so along with her earlier ones recommended for fans of the genre.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Précis Courtesy of Goodreads:

Six friends on holiday. A secret worth dying for.

In a gorgeous French stone villa, a group of friends reunite for a weekend of reminiscing and laughter. But as glasses of wine are poured, they find they aren’t alone. 

Standing at the door is a man the friends thought they’d never see again. With a ferocious storm raging and roads closed, they have no choice but to let him in. Instantly the dream weekend takes a dark turn.

Because someone invited him here.

Because someone has been living a lie.

And someone wants revenge.

But when the truth is revealed, will anyone make it out alive?

Previous Reviews:
The Playgroup.      

The Mother Next Door

Author Profile:                

                                           Leah Mercer                                                                                         

                                           Courtesy of Goodreads

Leah, who was born in Halifax, Canada, can't remember a time when she didn't love writing. From creating fake newspapers to writing letters to the editor, scribbling something was always on the agenda. Even the rejections she received after completing her first novel at age 13 didn't dent her enthusiasm.

So it makes sense, then, that she pursued a career in anything but writing. Public relations, teaching, recruitment, editing medical journals -- even a stint painting houses -- until she finally succumbed once more to the lure of the blank page. 

When she's not being jumped on by her young son or burning supper while thinking of plot-lines, Leah can be found furiously tapping away on her laptop, trying not to check Twitter or Facebook. 

Leah also writes romantic comedies under the name Talli Roland. 

Photographs and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Author -Official Website  Facebook Profile   Leah Mercer - Twitter Profile

Instagram Profile

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