Monday, September 2, 2024

Beneath the Lemon Trees by Emma Burstall


Ebook: 252 pages      

Genre:  Contemporary Women's Fiction                                    

Publisher:  September 6, 2024 by Boldwood Books

Source: NetGalley

First Sentence: Katerina opened her laptop and squinted at her inbox.

Review Quote:  A charming, warm-hearted read... Pure escapism' Alice Peterson

My Opinion: 

Set in Crete, a place I love and with such a beautiful cover, how could I resist ' Beneath the Lemon Trees'. Breaking my own strict rule of never judging a book by its cover, it serves me right that I was a little disappointed. The novel was not the laid back summer romance that I expected.

Stella and her friend Louise plus their respective teenage children have rented a villa in Crete to give them a much needed break. The holiday did not turn out to be the relaxing one they had expected as there was so much tension between everyone. Unsurprisingly really as Stella, rather an unlikeable person actually, had definitely been asking for trouble with her attitude towards her family.

Transport yourself to Crete with this story of love and loss. It is perfect escapism if you are looking for an easy read full of descriptive paragraphs about beautiful scenery and delicious food.

With thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read and review 'Beneath the Lemon Trees'

Précis Courtesy of Goodreads:

Heartbroken after the loss of a friend and the collapse of her marriage, Stella hopes that this trip to the idyllic Greek island of Crete will give her and her family a chance to heal. And when she first steps into the breath-taking Villa Ariadne, with its views over the azure waters and intoxicating scent of lemons, Stella’s troubles seem to melt away.

Until the arrival of an old acquaintance, and an unwelcome revelation, threaten to undermine the peace at the villa, and Stella is forced to make a difficult decision.

But with the help of Crete’s beautiful scenery and the kindness of its locals, Stella is about to discover that Villa Ariadne can still offer an escape… and so much more. Can she open herself up to the possibility of love and find the strength to start again?

Author Profile:                


                                          Emma Burstall                                                                                                                                                       

                                    Courtesy of Goodreads Profile

Emma Burstall in her own words: 

Before I became a novelist, I was a journalist for newspapers and women’s magazines.

I started out as a cub reporter for The Western Morning News in Plymouth, where I seemed to spend a lot of time racing around the Devon and Cornwall countryside in my ancient red Mini. Later, after a short stint as associate producer for a Sky TV chat show/magazine programme, I became features editor of Woman and Family Circle.

I've also written freelance pieces for national newspapers and women’s magazines including The GuardianIndependent on SundayRedGood Housekeeping and Woman & Home.

I read English at Cambridge University and I can still just about get by in French and Spanish. I work out – occasionally – at my local gym, and you might spot me jogging in Richmond Park with a gaggle of friends and badly behaved dogs. As you've probably guessed, we're rather slow.

I live in South West London and I have three children.

Photographs and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Emma Burstall - Official Author Website.   Amazon Author Profile.  

Goodreads Author Profile  Twitter Profile

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