Friday, September 6, 2024

Your Little Lies by Sue Fortin


Ebook: 338 pages      

Genre:  Contemporary Psychological Thriller                                    

Publisher:  September 6, 2024 by Storm Publishing

Source: NetGalley

First Sentence: They say you should never meet your hero in real life, that you'll be disappointed should everything you thought about them turn out to be an illusion.

Review Quote:  Wow!!! This book was so good! Right from the start I was drawn in and stayed that way until the end. THIS is what domestic suspense is about!!’ Reader Review,

My Opinion:  

So glad I decided to add this title to my NetGalley Bookshelf. It is always a risk to select an unknown to me author, when I have so many books I want to read from authors I know.  Now I have another author to follow.

A dual time line thriller 'Your Little Lies' is centred around the female protagonist Hannah. She has just moved with her family to their dream home. It is a shock when she recognises a neighbour as someone from a past life she has kept secret from her partner.  The storyline jumps between what is happening in the present and events of ten years ago. So many twists and turns, although I did work out some of what was happening correctly, but there were still many surprises!

An addictive read that I raced through and would definitely recommend to fans of domestic thrillers. 

With thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read and review 'Your Little Lies'

Précis Courtesy of Goodreads:

Jasper puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses the top of my head. ‘Happy new home, darling.’ A shiver runs through me. Will I be happy here? Will I finally be safe?

When Hannah and Jasper move to Silverbanks, a luxury gated neighbourhood, it’s a dream come true. This house, with its floor-to-ceiling glass doors, direct access to the sandy beach, and close-knit, caring community, will be the perfect place to raise their precious daughter, Pia.

And then Hannah meets her next-door neighbour. The flicker of recognition in his eyes only lasts for a second, but it’s enough. Suddenly, her safe haven has become the most dangerous place she could be. Unless she does something about it…

Author Profile:                

                                             Sue Fortin           

                                       Photo Courtesy of Goodreads Profile

Bio from Author Website:

Suzanne writes historical fiction, predominantly dual timeline and set in France. Her books feature courageous women in extraordinary circumstances with love and family at the heart of all the stories.

​Suzanne was a bookworm as a child and this naturally progressed to wanting to write her own stories. It wasn’t until she was on maternity leave with her fourth child, that she thought it was now or never and finally managed to write a complete novel. Having joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association under their New Writers’ Scheme, writing then as Sue Fortin, she sent her manuscript off for a critique.

After another year of working on the novel, Suzanne self-published United States of Love – a contemporary romance. This was then picked up by a traditional publisher, HarperCollins and under their imprint HarperImpulse (now One More Chapter) this book was republished. Writing as Sue Fortin, another seven books in the romantic suspense genre were published with HarperCollins.

More recently, Sue has moved to writing historical fiction and publishes under the name of Suzanne Fortin, with her debut in this genre, The Forgotten Life of Arthur Pettinger released in early 2021 with Head of Zeus imprint, Aria Fiction.

​A self-confessed Francophile, Suzanne has a home in the Morbihan region of France and visits as often as she can with her husband and family. The region has been a huge inspiration for Suzanne’s books and is often the backdrop to her writing.

​Suzanne was born in Hertfordshire but had a nomadic childhood, moving often with her family, before eventually settling in West Sussex.

​Married with four children and two grandchildren – when not behind the keyboard, Suzanne likes to spend her time with them, enjoying both the coast and the South Downs, between which they are nestled.

​A keen amateur photographer, Suzanne’s favourite place to hang out on social media is Instagram.

Photographs and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Sue Fortin - Official Website.     Goodreads Profile.      Amazon Profile

Facebook Profile.     Instagram Profile.    Twitter Profile

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