Friday, May 31, 2024

The Seventh Son by Sebastian Faulks.



Hardback: 356 pages

Genre: Fiction, Science Fiction

Publisher:  2023

Source: Tywyn Public Library

First Sentences: 'Letter for you', Talissa, said the superintendent, holding out an envelope from his desk in the lobby. 'A letter? Wow. Is this the nineteenth century?'

Setting:  New York, London and the Scottish Highlands in the future 2030-2056

Review Quote: 'A genuinely thought-provoking piece of fiction' THE TIMES

My Opinion:  Science fiction is not a genre I read very often, but as a fan of Sebastian Faulks writing for over twenty five years I wanted to read ‘The Seventh Son’. It is a well written sci-fi story that is scarily feasible.

Seth is the protagonist and set in the period 2030 to 2056 we follow his development from child to man as the son of Mary and Aldric. They had experienced difficulties conceiving and it was eventually with the help of a specialist clinic that they became parents with the help of a surrogate mother Talissa.  Unbeknown to them the clinic was stretching the ethical boundaries, whilst helping people become parents. Information that only came to light many years later and had a devastating effect on Seth.

This is a very thought provoking novel as it shows the damage humans can cause each other for the sake of science. Due to the somewhat controversial subject matter this novel would be an excellent choice for Book Club discussion. It certainly seems to be a story that you will probably love or hate.  I love Sebastian Faulk’s descriptive writing as always, but I must admit some of the subject matter was near the other end of that spectrum for me. Not his favourite novel of mine by far but I am glad I read it.

Previous Reviews:  Sebastian Faulks  Engleby  Human Traces  Devil May Care

A Week in December.  Snow Country

Précis Courtesy of Goodreads: 

A child will be born who will change everything.

When a young woman named Talissa answers an advert to carry a child, she cannot begin to imagine the consequences.

Behind the doors of the Parn Institute, a billionaire entrepreneur plans to stretch the boundaries of ethics as never before. Through a series of IVF treatments, one they hope no one ever discovers, they set in motion an experiment that is set to upend the human race as we know it.

Seth, a baby, is delivered to hopeful parents Mary and Alaric, but when his differences start to mark him out from his peers, he begins to attract unwanted attention.

The Seventh Son is a spectacular examination of what it is to be human. Sweeping between New York, London, and the Scottish Highlands, this is an extraordinary novel about unrequited love and unearned power. It asks the question: just because you can do something, does it mean you should?

Author Profile:


                                           Photo Courtesy of Author Website                                                                

Sebastian Faulks CBE (born 20 April 1953) is a British journalist and novelist. I recommend reading his interesting Biography on his Website

Photographs, Trailer and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Wikipedia Profile.   Sebastian Faulks - Official Website.   Twitter Profile

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