Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Drowned Village By Norma Curtis


Ebook:  280 pages

Genre: Historical Romantic Fiction 

Publisher: Bookouture Feb 2022

Source: My Kindle

First Sentences: During the long, troubled nights when Virginia groans restlessly next to him and Al can't sleep, he keeps his heavy eyelids shut and returns secretly to the tiny village of Capel Celyn, nestled snugly in the green foothills of North Wales.

Setting: Wales

My Opinion:  

I added this title to My Kindle collection recently as it is set in Wales and the author was born in Wrexham. 

The Drowned Village is historical fiction based on fact, in that the village of Capel Ceylon really did exist until the surrounding valley was flooded for a reservoir.  I found this to be a slow paced but intriguing story, especially knowing the area. 

After a gap of sixty-five years the protagonist of the story, Al Locke an American Navy Captain has returned to the area to try and reconnect with Elin, the young lady he fell in love with. The chances are slim, bearing in mind they are now both in their eighties, however his determination overcomes obstacles that he encounters.

An emotional read for those readers that enjoy a love story.

Précis Courtesy of Goodreads: 

She’s guarded her secret for a lifetime. He’s not ready to let go.

Sixty-five years ago. Pushing aside drooping hollyhocks, Elin Jenkins tosses back her dark hair and runs up the familiar path to the tiny village of Capel Celyn, past the mossy graveyard with its crumbling stones, towards the farm that’s been in her family for generations. Laughing, Al catches her around the waist, squeezing her tight. ‘Marry me,’ he whispers. ‘I’ll use my Navy liberty leave, we’ll go ask your parents. I don’t want this to end.’ Tears prick her eyes as she smiles up at him.

Three days later, Al is on his ship back to Pennsylvania. And in the months that follow, Elin’s frantic telegrams to him go unanswered. Then she receives the wedding invitation. Scribbled on the back are three words: No hard feelings.

Present day. Al Locke, retired Navy Captain, smooths his silver hair and finishes up with a spritz of aftershave. With a spring in his step he hasn’t had for decades, he sets off up the well-worn track through the valley. As he rounds the last bend, his heart begins to race. He has no doubt he will meet her in the village today. He will at last hear the horrible truth of what happened to Elin after he left, and he’ll confess why he couldn’t face coming back… until now.

As Al crests the final, familiar hill, a startling brightness draws him in like a vision. Before him, a glittering lake fills the entire valley. The pretty stone village of Capel Celyn, and all trace of Elin, are gone…

A beautiful and heartbreaking story about lost love, forgiveness and family secrets. Fans of Fiona Valpy, Kate Morton and Kathleen McGurl will love this book.

Author Profile:         

                                           Norma Curtis                                       

                                        Photo Courtesy of  Goodreads                                                                   

 Norma Curtis was born near Wrexham, North Wales, where her family still resides, and now lives in London, England, with her husband and a son. She is a novelist and short story writer, and she was elected the twentieth Chairman (1999–2001) of the Romantic Novelists' Association.

Her first novel, "Living It Up, Living It Down", published in 1994 by HarperCollins, won the Romantic Novelists' Association New Writers’ Award, and also featured in the WH Smith Fresh Talent promotion. Her other books, The House Husband (Quality Time) and The Last Place You Look have also been published by HarperCollins. Her short stories have appeared in Woman, Woman and Home and Woman’s Own, anthologies and teenage magazines. She writes with a unique blend of dry humour, warmth, wisdom and originality.

Photographs, Trailer and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Goodreads Author Profile.    Amazon Author Page

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