Thursday, August 15, 2024

Costanza by Rachel Blackmore


Ebook:  427 pages      

Genre:   Historical Fiction                                    

Publisher: Renegade Books Aug 1st  2024

Source: NetGalley

First Sentence: Rome, August 1638, Despite the great heat the man is hurrying - half walking, half running through the streets of Rome.

Review Quote:  'I loved it... Rich and evocative in its portrayal of 17th Century Rome. A fabulous, evocative novel' Elizabeth Chadwick

My Opinion:

I am always delighted to discover a new historical fiction writer and Rachel Blackmore with her debut novel 'Costanza' has made it straight on to the list of authors I follow. I have learnt that Costanza Piccolomini was living, at the time of her marriage in Viterbo, Italy a town I lived in for some years and know well!

'Costanza' is the story of a young woman who was persecuted and disfigured in an attack of violence, after a controlling love affair with the famous sculptor Bernini goes wrong.  Lorenzo Bernini's son Domenico described his father's affair with Constanza as 'fieramente inamorato' - wildly in love.  Costanza was a strong woman in a society where attitudes towards women were particularly unpleasant.

The author has taken a true story and woven it into a compelling novel. If you are a fan of historical novels who likes to also learn along the way then I hope you will love this as much as I did. Highly recommended to all historical fiction fans. It is with thanks to Renegade Books and NetGalley that this title was made available for me to read and review.

Précis Courtesy of Goodreads:

Rome, 1636. History calls her a Muse. Temptress. Fallen woman. This is her story.

In the scorched city of Rome, the cobbled streets hum with gossip and sin. Costanza Piccolomini is a respectable young wife - until she meets Gianlorenzo Bernini, the famed sculptor and star of Roman society, whose jet-black gaze matches his dark temper. From the second they set eyes upon each other, a fatal attraction is born.

Their secret love burns with a passion that consumes them. But with every stolen kiss and illicit tryst, Costanza's reputation is at stake. Meanwhile, Bernini has a dangerous desire: he wants to make Costanza immortal. He vows to possess her not just in body and soul, but also in marble.

When Bernini unveils his sculpture of Costanza, she is exposed as his lover, marking the undoing of their affair - and the beginning of a scandal which will rock Roman society. For Bernini would rather destroy Costanza than let her go.

Betrayed. Abandoned. Banished. This was meant to be the end of Costanza's story. But Costanza is no ordinary woman: from the ashes, she will rise...

Based on a true story, Costanza is a dizzying and sensual historical novel that brings to life a feminist icon who has been written out of history. This utterly addictive tale of desire and betrayal is perfect for fans of The Marriage Portrait and The Miniaturist.

Author Profile:                

                                            Rachel Blackmore profile image

                                                        Courtesy of Amazon Profile

Born in Birmingham, Rachel spent her childhood in the Northeast, then the Midlands. She studied history at King's College London, where her fascination for women's history took root. After a brief stint in politics, Rachel built a senior career in corporate communications. In 2021, she was runner-up in the Harper's Bazaar Short Story Competition and won the Irish Writers Centre 2022 Novel Fair.

Rachel collects historical monuments the way other people collect stamps. She loves visiting anywhere old - houses, churches, mills, you name it. She also enjoys baking and once reached the last round of hopefuls to be chosen for the Great British Bake Off, before a millefeuille proved her undoing.

Rachel lives in London with her three teenagers, two cats and one dog.

Photographs and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Amazon Author Page.   Goodreads Profile.    Twitter Profile.    Instagram Profile

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