Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Lucky Widow by Samantha Vérant


Ebook:  418 pages      

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Suspense, Psychological Thriller,                                          

Publisher: Storm Publishing  July 5th 2024

Source: NetGalley

First Sentence: I'm a woman on the verge of reclaiming her life.

Review Quote:  Sucked me in from the start. So many twists and turns I didn't want to put it down. Reader Review.

My Opinion: 

It was the title and blurb that drew me to wanting to read 'The Lucky Widow' by new to me author Samantha Verant.

The novel is told from two very different points of view, that of Emma who finds her deceased husband and Rossi the detective assigned to the case. With the dual time line of past and present events the complex storyline unravels to expose so many lies and secrets. There are certainly some despicable characters and events involved and one wonders why Emma allowed her life to sink to this level, why did she stay with her husband?

Cannot say more, you need to read this and find out for yourself. If you are a fan of mysteries it is probably one you will enjoy. For me at times the credibility felt over the top, though sadly these sort of events do take place. Especially the human trafficking, what a mixed up world we live in.

It is with thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley that this title was made available for me to read and review.


Précis Courtesy of Goodreads:

Wishing your husband dead isn’t a crime...

When you return from a work trip to find your husband dead in the pond, it’s best not to call him a liar and a cheat in front of the cops. Especially when you’ve spent the last few years telling anyone who’ll listen that you sometimes fantasize about killing him. It makes you look kind of, well, guilty.

Now I’m suspect number one for Nathaniel’s murder and the police are snooping around our perfect home. And the house is perfect because I designed it, down to the last marbled detail. You could say I designed our marriage, too. As soon as I saw Nathaniel—so handsome, successful, a surgeon—I knew I wanted him. Sadly our marriage wasn’t quite as perfect as our house. But whose is?

The cops want to talk to our daughters, our friends, even our staff. There’s the housekeeper, the cook, the pool cleaner, the dog walker. But like me they were all out of town when he died. They won’t have anything to say about what happened. Certainly nothing that will suggest I had something to do with it…

Author Profile:                

                                                          Samantha Verant                        

                                                        Courtesy of Goodreads Profile

Samantha Vérant is a travel addict, a self-professed oenophile, and a determined, if occasionally unconventional, at-home French chef. Over the years, she’s visited many different countries, lived in many places, and worked many jobs— always on the search for the one thing that truly excited her. Then, one day, she found everything she’s been looking for: a passion for the written word and true love. Writing not only enabled her to open her heart, it led her to southwestern France, where she’s now married to a sexy French rocket scientist she met over twenty years ago, a stepmom to two incredible kids, and the adoptive mother to one ridiculously adorable Charteux cat. When she’s not trekking from Provence to the Pyrénées, tasting wine in American-sized glasses, or embracing her inner Julia Child while deliberating what constitutes the perfect boeuf bourguignon, Samantha is making her best effort to relearn those dreaded conjugations.

Photographs and Biographical Information courtesy of the following sites:

Official Author Website  Goodreads Profile.  Twitter - Samantha Verant

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